Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hey fellow bloggers! Pro Rod Productions is finally in production! From what we've been able to gather and see they currently have been filming comedian, Deborah "Debbie" Mogro, and model turned actor, Jesse Merced. They've been pressed on a busy and tight schedule but we managed to catch up with them!

First we met up with Debbie, pictured here to the right taking a break from her photo shoot for "The Rough Draft." From the start Debbie has been kind to us, but when we came across her she was in the middle of an argument with from what we believe was a bad food order. Of course we had to ask what happened, "...I tell you some people have the nerve. I order from the same place every day. They already know I don't eat pickles, so the day they put it in I call just to simply remind them for the next day to not put pickles in my sandwich. The bratty 16 year old BITCH working there has the nerve to tell me to - chill?! She's lucky Eduardo needed me back on set!"  - Deborah Mogro. Wow, just wow. Debbie then put the brightest smile on and told us she loved the blog so, we're happy!

We also had a chance to speak with Jesse, who was in the middle of having a cup of coffee. We asked him about his time up to now on the set and who he's been on screen with as of yet: "...what can I say, Eduardo (J.E. Rodriguez) has kept me busy on the set, not to mention a sworn secrecy to all that happens on camera and off while I'm in the studio... there is a new cast member, but I'll let you do your research on that to find out..." - Jesse Merced. A NEW CAST MEMBER?!!!! I know! We were flabergasted at the thought at who could possibly be kept so far in the dark! But guess what?! We found out! (We know, we're good).

The latest addition to the cast of  "The Rough Draft" comes right out of Miami, FL, standing at a mere 5'6, and weighing (oh wait, he didn't want that disclosed - A Listers I tell ya), is Daniel Martinez! This comedic actor managed to pass us by. When we found out about this latest addition we went up to him (okay truth be told we kinda cornered him and left him no choice but to speak to us), and asked him the basics: "...I was brought on board by the staff of Pro Rod Productions but mainly by Eduardo. Let's face it though, this was not a hard sell. "The Rough Draft" is the latest and hottest ticket and town and you'd be crazy to turn this project down... who do I play?! You'll have to watch to find out... that or till I'm given permission to talk about myself..." - Daniel Martinez.

Folks there you have it! All the latest on the greatest! Keep it here for all things gossip and go check out our Facebook page at Pro Rod Productions.

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